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PONDering the summer months. Its been six months since my last confession--oops, Blog.

Its been six months since my last confession--oops Blog. Its now summer, according to the calendar, according to the weather, I question that. Lots of changes and lots of classes in the past 6 months. My Web site Domain has changed slightly to (, so if you encounter any problems finding me please try the new Domain. Now that summer is here I have decided to give myself a break sew I can spend more time with my pond and garden. Lets face it, we all need a break to grow and sew. Between classes and rainy days (which have been far to many if you ask me)( and even if you don't ask me), this is what I have been doing, with bucket ad shovel in hand, all by myself. Sew proud! Dug it, planted it, and stocked with fish: Nine in total. First came Trial and Error (tester gold fish), now we have Big Mamma; Nemo (and he really does have a gimp fin - Jack calls him our 'Handy Carp'); Valcore; Reba; Enos; Charlee;(all Koi) and Molly another Gold Fish who happens to be red. Sew much fun! Although all summer classes are now full, the pond will be open until October's end, so you can see and meet the fish family, if you are interested. I am looking forward to getting back into beginner and intermediate classes in full swing come September. I am creating a booking calendar for the Fall schedule which will be published soon, and you will be able to book and pay on line. You can register now, and I totally recommend that you do, as these classes will book up fast. "Sew" don't wait! There will be lots of new things happening come September and you won't want to miss out. Now, I am go back to 'swim with the fishes'...….

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