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Copy Cut Fashions                            Sewing Studio

at the Kismet Cottage, where people come to "learn to sew", improve existing skills, advance and improve techniques.  Located in Vernon, it is the hub of central BC sewers, and home of the only Palmer/Pletsch certified sewing and fitting instructor in the Okanagan. Dawne Whelpley, a professional dress-maker with 65+ years of experience, shares a  caboodle of experience and knowledge in all aspects of the craft in a unintimidating, cozy, comfy, and totally unique learning environment. The Cottage is fully equipped with every sewing need from machines to fabric, and a virtual library of learning media. Private sessions and Classes of 2-4 students ensure a ton  of personal attention. Dawne is a stickler for the basics, the foundation of every worthwhile endeavor, and makes sure you start sewing the right way, not just any way. You will be glad of this when you produce perfect projects every time you sew.


It all starts here​...

to Copy Cut Fashions

Do you have clothes in your closet that you don't wear anymore but you know you can't replace them? What about the pants that fit so good you'd love to have another pair.  Give them to me and I will replace them or duplicate them for you.  That is what I do! I make everything new!

add your name to the contact list

Some photos of clients and students of the Studio.

Dawne, Very excited for you! Wishing you al the best, and can't thank you enough for doing what you do so well - teaching

sewing. Kayla and I always (and still do!) talked about doing more things together, and sewing was a commonality. So I threw out signing for sewing classes, without even knowing if they existed in Vernon and she agreed. I didn't  jump on it right away or start searching, but I believe I saw the ad in the Morning Star for sewing classes within a few weeks and figured if that's not a sign, then what is?  So that's when I reached out to you. Fast forward to a few classes  with us later, and I can't stress enough how much I appreciate even the level 1 class still  and feeling more confident in just touching a sewing machine. I still don't have enough time to do as much as I want, but I know one day I will. I'm still buying sewing books (just found another one by Shaeffer at the Alpine Centre book store) and am excited that I have even basic skills  to sew a garment if Armageddon ever comes.

Talk soon


Ailish Curran

Dawn is a wonderful woman that is very talented at sewing. Her class was extremely organized and well planned out. She taught me many skills that are very important. She was very accommodating too. I would definitely take her class again!  


Thank you for kick starting my jump back into garment sewing. I think that I have the confidence to tackle fitting my projects, now.


The class and the instruction was relaxed, yet informative. An enjoyable experience. Next Class Level 2


Thank you for an amazing experience for Lena. You are so encouraging and you taught her so many important basic skills. I also really appreciate your willingness to do the lessons on Saturdays. Your the best and maybe Lena can do lessons with you in the future.


Thank you so much for being so patient, motivating and a fun teacher. Sewing classes have been such a joy for me and I can't wait for Level 3.

Level 1

Love how welcoming she is when you walk into the class. Love how knowledgeable she is about sewing.  The Level 1 sewing class was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I liked that we got to chose between 3 different patterns. I also liked that the stuff we learned wasn't to overwhelming.

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